Catalog 2024-2025

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Paralegal Courses

Course Listings

NumberCourse TitleRequirementsTransfer
PARA018Legal Analysis2 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA019Introduction to Paralegal Studies3 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA021Introduction to American Law3 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA022Civil Litigation Procedures3 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA022APre-trial Procedures1.5 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA023Legal Research and Writing2 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA024AWriting for Law Practice1.5 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA025Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility1.5 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA027Corporate Law3 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA029AParalegal Employment Preparation1 unitTransferable to CSU only
PARA029BParalegal Internship2 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA030Business Contract Law1.5 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA032Family Law3 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA035APractical Procedures for Probate1.5 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA036Will Drafting and Basic Estate Planning3 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA037Intellectual Property Law1.5 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA042Criminal Trial Techniques for the Paralegal1.5 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA043Law Office Management2 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA065BMicrosoft Word for the Law Office3 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA068Computer Assisted Legal Research1.5 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA070Employment Law3 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA076Immigration and Naturalization Law for Paralegals3 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA077Elder Law for Paralegals1.5 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA083CPatent Administration for Paralegals3 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA090Legal Technology2 unitsTransferable to CSU only
PARA092Trademark Prosecution1.5 unitsTransferable to CSU only