Park Management Program
Started in 1970, our unique program maintains excellence and relevance by continuously evolving. We listen to our industry partners and work with local, county, regional, state and federal park and resource agencies to ensure we provide cutting-edge GIS technology and the latest in land management methods, strategies, and processes.
The Program meets the needs of three different groups of students - the typical career-oriented college student, the professional wishing a career change and the established park professional. The latter enroll in our Program courses to enhance their skills, obtain in-service training and comply with changing professional standards.
Each group is able to find the path suitable to meet their needs. In addition to our full academic and field program we provide in-service training that includes: four-wheel drive operations and safety, power winch operations, ranger operations and legal updates, low- and high-angle technical rescue, GIS, remote sensing, wildland fire suppression, emergency medical response, wilderness first responder, and wilderness navigation.
Public land managers recognize the West Valley College Park Management Program as being one of the few outstanding programs that produces quality graduates in the field of Park Management. Faculty are continually rewarded with letters and phone calls from park managers who hire Park Management students and alumni for seasonal and full-time positions.
For individuals who want to continue on with their college education after our program, we have articulation agreements that will get you jump started at CSU-Humboldt, CSU-San Jose State, CSU-Chico State, and Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
The Park Management Department maintains a 'smart' classroom (Cilker 116) and the GIS computer lab (Fox 105) at West Valley College, in addition to a full maintenance and field support facility at Sanborn County Park.
Our faculty are working professionals that are here to provide you the best possible experience. They are experts in their discipline and excellent educators making your course lively, interactive and engaging.