Catalog 2024-2025

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Rights and Responsibilities



Students are responsible for completing the learning and performance objectives of the courses in which they are enrolled and giving evidence of such learning through examinations, essays, term papers, journals and such other requirements as the instructor may deem appropriate for demonstrating mastery of skills required in the course.

When a student receives an incomplete grade (“I”), he or she shall not be permitted to repeat the course in a subsequent semester unless the student fails to make up the incomplete as specified by the instructor and is subsequently awarded a substandard grade (“D,” “F” or “NP”).

Students are held fully responsible for following College procedures for adding, dropping or withdrawal, and for filing appropriate forms in the Admissions Office.


Students are expected to attend all sessions of each class, participate in class activities and meet requirements of the course. Instructors may drop students from the class if they fail to attend the first class meeting or when the instructor determines that students are no longer actively participating in the course. Definition of non-participation shall include but not be limited to excessive absences, defined by when accumulated hours of absences exceed ten percent of the total number of hours the class meets during the semester. Moreover, an instructor may drop from the class any student who fails to attend at least one class session during the first three weeks of instruction.

Withdrawal from college

A student who must withdraw entirely from the College before the end of the semester should file a withdrawal notice in the Admissions Office. A student who withdraws from the College will receive those credits and grade symbols applicable on the date of withdrawal under the District’s grading system described earlier.

Withdrawal from a class

It is the responsibility of the student to withdraw from a class prior to the published deadline in order to insure that a penalty grade will not be awarded for the course.

A student who withdraws from a class prior to the first class meeting of shortterm classes or through the end of the 2nd week for semester-length courses shall have no notation of enrollment in the class posted on the semester grade report or transcript. The schedule of classes lists exact drop dates.

From that point through the three-quarter point of the term (through the end of the twelfth week for semester length courses), a “W” grade will be posted on the final grade report and the transcript. After that deadline, a grade symbol other than a “W” will be posted.

Academic Dishonesty

Dishonesty includes but is not limited to in-class cheating, out-of-class cheating, plagiarism, knowingly assisting another student in cheating or plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to College staff, faculty, administrators or other officials. Following are definitions of in-class cheating, out-of-class cheating, plagiarism, and furnishing false information. These are not all-inclusive and the list itself is not meant to limit definition of cheating to just those mentioned.

    1. In-class cheating: during an examination or on any work for which the student will receive a grade or points, unauthorized looking at or procuring information from any unauthorized sources, or any other student’s work.
    2. Out-of-class cheating: unauthorized acquisition, reading or knowledge of test questions prior to the testing date and time; changing any portion of a returned graded test or report and resubmitting as original work to be regraded; or presenting the work of another as one’s own for a grade or points.
    3. Plagiarism: unauthorized use of expression of ideas from either published or unpublished work(s) as a student’s own work for a grade in a class. This also includes the violation of copyright laws, including copying of software packages.
    4. Furnishing false information: forgery, falsification, alteration or misuse of College documents, records, or identification in class or in laboratory situations.

Classroom-Related Disciplinary Sanctions

When a student is charged with plagiarism or cheating related to a class, and the instructor has reasonable proof or documentation or the student admits the violation, the instructor may select one or more of the following options:

    1. Issue an oral or written notification and warn the student that further acts of this sort will result in additional disciplinary action.
    2. Issue a NP or a failing grade (“F”) or “0” for the assignment in question.
    3. Refer the student to the CSSO for disciplinary action.

Students have not only the right to an education, but to the rights of citizenship as well; therefore, no student shall be deprived of equal treatment and equal access to educational programs, due process, presumption of innocence prior to proof otherwise, free expression and association, or privacy of thought.

Students bring to college various interests and values previously acquired and they develop new interests as members of an academic community. They shall be free to organize and join groups, in the pursuit of those interests, subject only to regulations and procedures which are intended to preserve the integrity of the District and which are consistent with constitutional guarantees.

In keeping with the ideals of a democracy, students shall be granted the rights and responsibilities of self-government. In the activities of student groups and the conduct of student government, discrimination based on race, ethnic background, national origin, sex, age, sexual preference, or physical handicap shall be expressly prohibited.

Students and recognized student organizations shall be free to examine and discuss questions of interest to them and to express their opinions publicly and privately without fear of reprisal. They shall be free to support legal causes by orderly means that do not disrupt the operation of the College. College documents are subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Public Law 93-980).

Attendant upon the right guaranteed to each student are certain responsibilities, which are respect for the rights of others, acceptance of properly constituted authority, and compliance with the policies, regulations and procedures
of the District. Each student bears full responsibility for his or her actions and is expected to abide by district policies on student conduct (policy 5.19).

Last Updated 6/28/24