West Valley College offers classes in a variety of modalities. These guidelines are designed to help you understand what to expect with each class modality. When you register for a class, it is essential that you read the notes provided in the schedule of classes for that particular section so you know what will be expected of you.

Online synchronous classes meet on specific days and times via video conference. This includes classes with ANY scheduled online synchronous meetings. Examples include classes that meet:
- Synchronously each week (for ex., MW 9:20 AM – 10:45 AM).
- Asynchronously for lectures, and synchronously for labs (for ex., lab Fridays 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM).
- Asynchronously for lectures, and then synchronously only for exams. Any synchronous exam dates and times will be listed in the notes for that particular section.

Online asynchronous classes have NO scheduled class meetings. All instruction is conducted via the college’s learning management system. While there are no scheduled meetings, asynchronous classes are not self-paced. Assignments are to be submitted online and are due on specific dates.

Hybrid classes include a combination of in-person meetings at specific days/times AND online activities. The online portion of the class may be synchronous or asynchronous. Hybrid examples include classes that meet:
- Every Monday 12:30 PM – 1:55 PM in-person AND also online asynchronously each week.
- Online asynchronously with scheduled in-person midterm and final exams.
- Online synchronously each week with a scheduled in-person field experience Saturday.
Students need to read the class schedule carefully to check days/times of in-person meeting.

Hyflex classes are flexible in that they include scheduled class meetings where students can choose to attend in-person or online synchronously via videoconference. In a Hyflex class, in-person students are in the classroom while online synchronous students attend the same class via videoconference.

In-person classes are just that! Students attend class in-person at regularly scheduled days and times, either on the WVC campus or at an off-site location.
Changes to the dates and times of online synchronous class meetings (as printed in the schedule of classes) are not allowed. An instructor cannot change an online synchronous class to be an online asynchronous class (i.e., fully online) once the class been scheduled. Online asynchronous classes cannot require students to attend a particular class meeting on a set day/time, including tests.