Peer Online Course Review

West Valley College is a Local POCR certified campus.
Peer Online Course Review logo

The WVC POCR (Peer Online Course Review) process allows faculty to align their online courses with the highest standards of course design - the CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric. Specially trained WVC peer reviewers will provide support, resources, a full review using the Rubric, and individualized feedback to ensure a faculty author’s online course receives a “Quality Badge” with priority status on the California Virtual Campus Exchange.

Aligning your course to the CVC Rubric translates to improved student success; Quality-Badged courses produce student success rates 4.9% rates higher than the statewide average for online courses! The CVC Rubric covers best practices in content presentation, student and instructor interaction, assessments, and accessibility, plus our local review will provide guidance and feedback on equity practices -- all proven course design features that support students’ success in your courses.

To qualify for the POCR process, courses must be:

  • Fully online
  • Asynchronous (no hybrid courses, no mandatory class meetings)
  • Permanently approved as an online course (not temporary or emergency approved)
  • Part of an ADT (Associate Degree for Transfer), General Education Transfer Pattern (CSU or IGETC), or CTE (Career Technical Education)
  • Must have been taught in Canvas for at least one year
  • Attend a POCR Team orientation
  • Complete a Self-Review of your course design
  • Meet with Instructional Designer and faculty reviewer to discuss revisions you will make
  • Complete revisions (the biggest part of your job!) and meet with Instructional Designer and faculty reviewer for support as needed
  • Submit your course for review by your faculty reviewer
  • Make any necessary changes or adjustments to align to the CVC Rubric
  • Submit your course for final review by Instructional Designer
  • Submit your course to the CVC for a Quality Badge
Peer Online Course Review inaugural team
Ready to be a course author or reviewer?

Are you ready to align your course and earn a WVC Quality Badge? Or are you ready to become a course reviewer? We are looking forward to working with you and are ready to get you started! Please use this form to start the process. The WVC Online Team will follow up with an email and the next steps.

Last Updated 6/3/24