Samantha Hernandez
Student Services
Director of Student Needs
Campus Center CC 302
Director of Student Needs
Campus Center CC 302
English and Spanish
"I have never, ever focused on the negative of things. I always look at the positive." – Justice Sonia Sotomayor
Samantha Hernandez a proud Latina who grew up in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. And, proud to say that English is her second language. She has found education as her way to grow as a person and as a professional. In her undergraduate careers, she strived to be a Social Worker and help the most vulnerable, but having been involved in her college campus that quickly changed. Samantha realized that higher education had a lot of students who also need support and advocacy, and that she could make an impact in a college campus as well. After working at San Jose State University, Samantha then found West Valley College where she became the Director of Student Needs and has made a direct impact on students since June 2019. The new campus and the amazing students inspire Samantha to continue helping those in need and providing as much support as possible to anyone that she comes in contact with.