Morgan McKnight
Communication Studies
Communication Studies Instructor
Communication Studies Instructor
COMM 1: Public Speaking
COMM 4: Small Group Discussion
COMM 10: Persuasive Speaking
Argumentation and Advocacy
Critical Decision-Making in Groups
Writing for Influence
Master's Degree of Communication Studies
Undergraduate Degree of Communication Studies
Morgan McKnight is an instructor of Communication Studies and has taught at multiple college campuses around Silicon Valley for the past three years. As a graduate student of Communication Studies at San José State University, Morgan focused his studies on Rhetorical Criticism and Organizational Communication. Upon completion of his graduate studies and having earned his M.A., Morgan made the quick transition into becoming a Part Time instructor of Communication studies. He has experience in teaching Public Speaking, Argumentation and Advocacy, Critical Decision-Making in Groups, and Writing for Influence. Morgan has found his passion and his calling in this profession, and takes pride in working with students, continually striving to push them to grow, learn, and to truly get the most out of their educational experiences.