PHYS 10: Conceptual Introduction to Physics
PHYS 2A: General Physics – Mechanics
PHYS 2B: General Physics – Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 4A: Engineering Physics – Mechanics
PHYS 4B: Engineering Physics – Electricity and Magentism
PHYS 4C: Engineering Physics – Light, Heat and Waves
PHYS 4D: Advanced Topics in Modern Physics
PSCI 10: Physical Science Survey
- Tuesday: 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
Method: Online
Location: Join Zoom
For PSCI-10 Students or with prior appointment - Wednesday: 1:30 PM – 2:00 PM
Method: In Person
Location: SM-46
For Physics-4A Students
Over 30 Years of Experience
- Academic higher education: course development & teaching in areas of Physics, Electrical and Semiconductor Engineering
- R&D in the Semiconductor IC industry: CMOS IC Device Modeling and Design
- Renewable Energy Industry: Consulting, Design, Research & Installation of Solar Systems
Professional experiences in high-tech, semiconductor industry as principal engineer, executive manager, and director of R&D in the following companies:
- Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), Principal Engineer
- National Semiconductor, Principal Engineer
- Meta Software, Inc, Director of Engineering
- Epic Design, Inc, Director of R&D
- Synopsys, Inc, Director of R&D
- SolarBreeze Technology Inc, Funder & CEO
Master of Science in Physics (Experimental Solid-State Physics), PhD candidate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science Physics with honor & EE, participated in Work-Study Cooperative Education Program
Northeastern University
Mahmoud has also been involved in academia for over 15years as an adjunct Physics & EE professor teaching undergraduate courses in General Physics, Modern physics. Optics, and Engineering in following community colleges and universities: MIT, Northeastern University, Sharif University, Suffolk University, Salem State College, Foothill College, Skyline College, and West Valley College.
Renewable Energy
Founder of a startup company in Photovoltaic Solar Energy, SolarBreeze Technology Inc., in 2007
Mahmoud has developed training courses and curriculum for photovoltaic solar energy systems, for both technical and sales/marketing fields.
He has been involved in conducting research, design, consultation, and installation of numerous PV solar energy systems for over 5 years.
First Year at West Valley
Mahmoud has over 16 publications and 4 patents in Semiconductor Integrated Circuit design tools:
- “A New Simulation Method for NBTI Analysis in SPICE Environment”, Rakesh Vattikonda, Yansheng Luo, Alex Gyure, Xiaoning Qi, Sam Lo, Mahmoud Shahram, Yu Cao, Kishore Singhal, Dino Toffolon, ISQED , San Jose, CA 2007
- "Simulation of Interconnect Inductive Impact in the Presence of Process Variations in 90 nm and Beyond,", X. Qi, A. Gyure, Y. Luo, S. C. Lo, Mahmoud Shahram, and K. Singhal, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 27, No. 8, pp. 696-698, Aug. 2006.
- “Modeling and full-chip screening for inductive impact on VLSI interconnects,” X. Qi and Mahmoud Shahram, accepted by 2006 China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies, Oct. 2006.
- “Efficient sub-threshold leakage current optimization and layout migration for 90nm and 65nm ASIC libraries,”, X. Qi, S. Lo, A. Gyure, Y. Luo, Mahmoud Shahram, K. Singhal, and D. B. MacMillen, to be published in IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, Sep. 2006.
- "Measurement and Characterization of Pattern Dependent Process Variations of Interconnect Resistance, Capacitance and Inductance in Nanometer Technologies,", X. Qi, A. Gyure, Y. Luo, S. C. Lo, Mahmoud Shahram, and K. Singhal, Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, Philadelphia, PA, May 2006.
- “Measurement and Simulation of Interconnect Inductance in 90nm & Beyond” Xiaoning Qi, Alex Gyure, Yansheng Luo, Sam Lo, Mahmoud Shahram, Kishore Singhal; SISPAD, Tokyo, Japan 2005
- “Simulation and Analysis of Inductive Impact on VLSI Interconnects in the Presence of Process Variations”, Xiaoning Qi, Alex Gyure, Yansheng Luo, Sam Lo, Mahmoud Shahram, Kishore Singhal; CICC San Jose, CA. 2005
- “Analytical Modeling of Crosstalk Noise Waveforms using Weibull Function” Alireza Kasnavi, Joddy Wang, Jindrich Zejda, Mahmoud Shahram; ICCAD, 2004
- “Noise Library Characterization for Large Capacity Static Noise Analysis Tools” Alex Gyure, Alireza Kasnavi, Sam Lo, Peivand Tehrani, William Shu, Joddy Wang, Jindrich Zejda, and Mahmoud Shahram. ISQED 2005; Received Best Paper Award.
- “Look-Up-Table generation with Geometry & Temperature scaling directly from Silicon wafer”, Mahmoud Shahram, Alex Gyure, Khosro Rouz, Published Synopsys Internal, May 2002
- “Calibrating Simulation CAD tools for Nano-meter Designs” Mahmoud Shahram, IEEE, Spectrum, June 1999
- “Is Your Spice Model Accurate Enough?” Mahmoud Shahram, Shawn Hailey, Published in Meta-Software Journal, March 1994
- “Does BSIM3v2 meet the requirement of good model? Mahmoud Shahram, Behnam Aghadaie, Alex Gyure, Published in Meta-Software Journal, Feb. 1994
- “Frequency & Temperature Dependence of Self-Backgating effect of GaAs MESFET” Mahmoud Shahram, Don Jackson, Mike Zhang. DEC internal publication, July 1992.
- “Temperature dependence of BJT Cut-Off Frequency” Mahmoud Shahram, Timwah Luk of National Semiconductor. DEC internal publication, 1989.
- “PENGAN Journal of Science & Technology” Founder & Publisher of PENGAN Journal of Science & Technology, Chief Editor. Published, popular scientific & technological articles in PENGAN (Similar to Scientific America). Tehran, Iran 1980-82
- “Efficient Generation and Representation of Statistical Sensitivity Coefficients for Variation-Aware Parasitic Extraction”, E. Sutjahjo, K. Singhal, B. Kim, B. Biswas, A. Gyure, Mahmoud Shahram, 2005.
- Analytical Modeling of Crosstalk Noise Waveforms using Weibull Function, J. Wang, S. Lo, A. Gyure, Mahmoud Shahram, 2004.
- “Method and Apparatus for Characterizing the Propagation of Noise through a cell in an Integrated Circuit”, A. Gyure. J. Zejda, P. Tehrani, W, Wang, S. Lo, Y. Lo, W. Shu, A. Kasnavi, Mahmoud Shahram. 2004. Patent No. US 7,007,252 B2
- “Accurate and efficient characterization and modeling of the sequential cell Noise Immunity Criteria for Static Timing Simulators”, J. Wang, S. Lo, A. Gyure, Mahmoud Shahram, 2004.