Lance Shoemaker
Business and Real Estate Instructor, Co-Department Chair
Che 109C
Business and Real Estate Instructor, Co-Department Chair
Che 109C
Business Law
Introduction to Business
Business and Society
Principles of Real Estate
Legal Aspects of Real Estate
Real Estate Economics
Academic Senate President (2009-2013)
West Valley College - 2004 to present
Of Counsel, Colantuono, Highsmith, and Whatley – 2005 to Present
Diablo Valley College - 2004
Public Agency Attorney: Hanson, Bridgett, Marcus, Vlahos & Rudy - 2000 - 2004
Real Estate Attorney: Landels, Ripley & Diamond - 1999 - 2000
Member of the California State Bar
UC Berkeley
Boalt Hall School of Law
J.D., 1999, Order of the Coif
UC Berkeley
(Master of City Planning, 1999)
M.A., Political Science, 1995
UC Berkeley
B.A., Political Science, 1992, Phi Beta Kappa
Information about our Real Estate Program