Languages Spoken
Favorite Hobby
I enjoy live music events of different genres, and wine tasting.
First Year at West Valley
Most Memorable Campus Experience
Crochet Coral Reef Exhibit. Great combination of creativity and environmental information!
Favorite Place on Campus
The bridge over Vasona Creek
Affinity Words/ At-Promise Factors
Previously I worked at Stanford University. Both it and West Valley College have students who have overcome many obstacles to become students, and faculty who are inspirational through their work and service to their institutions. I hope I've played a small part in helping both groups succeed, and hope to continue to do so.
I've lived in Sunnyvale for 28 years, and am a regular platelet donor at the Stanford Blood Center in Mountain View.
Academic Service
Contributing Member, Anti-Racism and Inclusion Action Plan Working Group A3-Lift Black/African American Voices; Expose and Acknowledge Past Experiences (group formed in March 2021)
B.A., Communications/Journalism
University of Nevada-Las Vegas