Early Admissions (EA) Orientation

Smiling students sitting on the ground
Geat an Early Start and Sign Up Now!

Complete these two free steps for transfer success.

  1. Complete the West Valley Welcome Advantage Orientation, a 30 – 60 minute online orientation. You will need to login as a student, so you receive credit for completing this step. You will use your MyWVM Username and password – the default password is Wvm@mmddyy (where mmddyy are the digits of your birthdate).
  2. Sign up for and attend a 5-hour in-person Early Admissions Orientation (EA). During the workshop, you will:
    • Understand the basics of transfer pathways
    • Meet with a counselor
    • Register for classes
    • Fulfill requirements for Community Grant (Free Tuition)
  3. Are you the parent of a first-year student? Join us for a Parent Orientation on Wednesday, April 30, 2025 at 6:00 PM RSVP for Parent Orientation


Additional Orientation Options

NOTE: All these orientations fulfill the orientation requirement for Community Grant (Free Tuition)!

Do you have an IEP or 504 in high school?

Attend the DESP’s “On-to-College” EA Orientation.

Are you a West Valley Recruited Athlete?

Speak to your coach regarding the special Athletic EA Orientation.

Last Updated 3/6/25