I hope you are finding time this summer to spend quality time with family and friends. I am excited to see everyone soon and to welcome students.
On my campus walks this summer, it has been a pleasure taking time to chat spontaneously with folks and enjoy our beautiful campus. As always, thank you to facilities, IS, and public safety teams for maintaining services over the summer in such an efficient manner.
I want to acknowledge and thank the Vice President of Student Affairs search committee for their work identifying three excellent final candidates. And thank you Dr. Moon-Johnson for chairing the search committee.
After consideration of search committee perspectives, forum feedback, and reflection on what the current college needs are as we move forward in defining student success and refocusing the Education Master Plan goals and priorities, I offered the position to Dr. Tanya Anderson. Dr. Anderson’s position was approved at the July 16 Board of Trustees meeting. Her start date is Monday, August 5.
Dr. Tanya Anderson brings extensive student services knowledge and years of leadership experience. She approaches her work with authenticity, integrity, and love, and she is genuinely excited about joining the West Valley College community. She brings long-term vision and commitment to student affairs and the College. I look forward to Dr. Anderson’s leadership in her role as Vice President of Student Affairs. This is just a snippet of Dr. Anderson’s impressive background; you can read her full bio here.
As we welcome Dr. Anderson, I want to take a moment to thank Dr. Renee Paquier for serving in the Vice President of Student Services role since July 2023. Her dedication to serving students and the community is much appreciated.
The entire executive leadership team is excited and committed to serving the campus community and communities of Campbell, Los Gatos, and Saratoga. Each of us has plans to engage our areas and the campus this academic year in meaningful ways.
Please read below updates from the Executive Leadership Team.
Academic Affairs
We are excited to welcome our new faculty members:
- Theresa Thompson in Accounting
- Mark Johnson in Paralegal
- Luke Kwan in Interior Design
- Anthony Murray in Fashion Design
- Thien-Huong Ninh in Ethnic Studies
- Andres Calle in Computer Science
- Arlene Yalcin in English as a Second Language
We are excited to welcome our new administrators in Academic Affairs
- Mark Manrose as the Director of Continuing Education
- Erika Vargas as the Dean of Health & Human Development
- Dr. John Ulloa as the Dean of Language Arts & Social Sciences
The current Older Adult Program will transition from the School of Continuing Education to the School of Health & Human Development
WVC is excited to launch a new program with Successful Aging Solutions and Community Consulting (SASCC), which will be a Senior Career Pathways program focused on supporting community members who are 50+ improve career opportunities to earn a living wage. WVC is proud to be the nation’s first Age Friendly Community College.
Enrollment updates:
Summer Enrollment has increased since this time last year with an increase in 19% for student headcount, and the FTES is up by 9%.
Fall Enrollment continues to increase compared to this time last year. Student headcount is up 14%, and the FTES is up by 12%.
Administrative Services
We are continuing the work of closing the fiscal year. Our budget priorities are to close grants and maximize the funds the college will carry in the new fiscal year.
Due to the State of California’s budget position, funding for the LAEP program has been discontinued for the new fiscal year and will not be renewed. LAEP was highly successful in providing internships and practical training for our students. That said, the college will continue to strive to make those opportunities available through other sources of funding.
Also, we have begun preparing the final budget for the fiscal year 2024-25. The Board of Trustees approved our tentative budget plans last month. Once all adjustments have been made, the final budget will be presented to the Board for approval in September.
Lastly, we are gearing up for the implementation of the West Valley College Technology Committee. The committee will help guide the college’s software and hardware purchases and will be instrumental in maximizing the impact of our funds allocated to technology.
Student Services
Over 3,000 students have been served in student services so far this Summer. This includes early enrollment orientations, drop-in visits to DESP, counseling, financial aid, admissions and records and outreach efforts.
Led by Dean Joe McDevitt, the student services team has been busy preparing for Viking Friday (formerly known as Convocation and Welcome Wednesday and will be held on Friday, August 16) and Registration Saturday (which will be held on Saturday, August 17). We encourage all faculty, staff and administrators to join us at these two events in which students are welcomed into our Viking Family.
On June 17th, the Office of Student Needs and College of Adaptive Arts took students from their respective programs to the Chase Center arena to Job Shadow the staff. It was an amazing experience for our students, and they were able to meet the Warriors Gaming Squad team for a Q&A, had burgers and chips for lunch and had the chance to wear a Championship ring.
Institutional Effectiveness and Research
- ACCJC accepted our midterm report on June 12. The action letter has been posted on the college’s website.
- In preparation for ISER due in August 2026, this summer, Accreditation and Institutional Effectiveness (AIE) sub-committees are reviewing the accreditation standards and conducting gap analysis. This work involves faculty, classified staff, administrators, and district staff. The sub-committees hope to complete gap analysis by the end of the summer, so the college knows what gaps need to be filled this coming year.
- WVC submitted five TRIO Student Support Services grant applications (Regular, DESP, STEM, ESL, Teacher Prep) due July 15. The college currently carries TRIO SSS Regular, which is ending at the end of this current fiscal year (FY2024-25). The maximum award of these grants is roughly $270,000.00 each per year for five years starting Fall 2025.
- WVC has begun planning for the Developing Hispanic Serving Institution (DHSI) Title V grant likely due Q1 2025.
Mission, Vision, Values Taskforce
The MVV taskforce held a session at 2024 Summer Leadership Retreat to gather input on the draft mission and core values statement and guided the participants in a visioning exercise. Since the retreat, the taskforce has been meeting regularly to incorporate the feedback and to compose a revised draft for review by the campus community in Fall 2024.
Research & Data
- Analyzing the scheduling and modality survey data. Expect the results to be shared in early Fall 2024.
- Will be analyzing CCSSE (Community College Survey of Student Engagement) results next. Also, expect the results to be released early Fall 2024.
- Precision Campus Data Dashboard is expected to be released in late August 2024. This will be our go-to tool for reporting student enrollment and outcomes.
- Data Governance and Intelligence Team (DGIT) is a new district-wide workgroup charged with 1) assessing the WVMCCD data systems, 2) recommending improvement to procedures and standards to build a strong data culture and practices, and 3) ensuring the quality and effective use and collection of institutional by all data stewards. The group will be beginning its work starting Fall 2024.
Marketing and Communications
The 60th Anniversary Committee is managing and promoting all monthly events celebrating sixty years of academic excellence. Our upcoming event, the Tour de Saratoga: Race to Raise, is on Saturday July 27. We anticipate over 50 participants to join us in the inaugural bike race through the city streets of Saratoga. A mailer went out to our local neighbors and our paid digital ads are running on Meta and Snapchat. The Splash Pool Party was a hit with over 100 attendees despite the extreme heat! Students, faculty, and staff from the college and district enjoyed an afternoon of sun, fun, and camaraderie. Thanks to all who attended.
We were invited to be part of this year’s 2024 49ers Yearbook and have submitted a beautifully crafted ad promoting West Valley for the Win. Get Your Win at West Valley! If you are a 49ers fan or attend games, please look out for it on stands and on their official website.
The fall enrollment campaign is up and running. If you live in our service area, you will be receiving an EDDM mailer as we continue to promote the FREE tuition initiative. And marketing has partnered with outreach to create a Viking Friday promotional mailer which went out recently as well.
In collaboration with Academic Affairs and Successful Aging Solutions & Consulting, we are promoting classes geared toward older adults. The Senior Guided Pathways marketing campaign is ramping up. We have helped to design flyers, door hangers, volunteer t-shirts, web banners, and a strategic marketing & communications campaign to help promote the courses we are offering.
In August, we plan to disseminate widely WVC’s inaugural annual report. The report showcases the college work in connection with the community. It features academic and support programs as well as dedicated and accomplished faculty, staff, and students.
I look forward to seeing everyone at our all-college day on August 23.
In collaboration,
Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza, Ph.D.
West Valley College