The WVC Instructional Film Festival is an interactive live-streamed event showcasing instructional videos created by WVC faculty and staff.
Audience Choice! You can participate live during the premiere and vote for the winners of this year's IFFy (Instructional Film Festival) Awards.

Etude in C is a beginning classical piano study piece composed by Carl Czerny. It uses the C major and G7 chord to accompany a simple melody in the right hand.
Creator: Nancy Sun

This dance-along video provides progressive drills for students who want to learn how to dance the Roger Rabbit. View complete version of this video on YouTube.
Creator: Shih-Chieh Hsu

The video explores George Herbert Mead's theory of the "I" and the "Me" and how they operate within us as we participate in social behavior.
Creator: Tracy DeHaan
2023 Program
Tips for Intercultural Understanding | Jared Fujishin

Humility and curiosity are vital ingredients to building intercultural understanding. In this excerpt, Jared gives some pointers on how we can increase our intercultural understanding when visiting new countries or welcoming newcomers into our culture.
Creator: Jared Fujishin
What is the Self? | Jason DeHaan

This video explores the concept of the ""self"" and explains how it develops socially.
Creator: Jason DeHaan
Mead's the "I" and the "Me" | Tracy DeHaan

The video explores George Herbert Mead's theory of the "I" and the "Me" and how they operate within us as we participate in social behavior.
Creator: Tracy DeHaan
Intro to Unit 2 | Amy Vu

This video introduces the student to the second unit in the class. It is the beginning of the course content.
Creator: Amy Vu
ARTSTOR Database Demo | Betsy Sandford

This video explains how to use the ARTSTOR database of images available through the West Valley College Library.
Creator: Betsy Sandford
Learn the Roger Rabbit | Shih-Chieh Hsu

This dance-along video provides progressive drills for students who want to learn how to dance the Roger Rabbit. View complete version of this video on YouTube.
Creator: Shih-Chieh Hsu
Chicken Dissection | Eva Maddox

In this video I walk students through the beginning of an at home activity to identify tissue types using a chicken quarter.
Creator: Eva Maddox
Module Objectives | Janis Kea

This video serves as a template for introducing students to the objectives of each module. One slide on the module's objectives can be replaced with new slide for each different module.
Creator: Janis Kea
Welcome to CHST 063: Child Family and Community | Michelle Francis

Curious about how I welcome students to class before the start of the semester? Check out this video that I made quickly with the help of Camtasia.
Creator: Michelle Francis
Finding Jobs | Susan Ma

Did you know that you can use the library databases to find jobs?
Creator: Susan Ma
ChatGPT Tries Calculus | Laura Plunkett

An introduction to an assignment where students will critique chatGPTs attempts to solve a problem, while addressing the benefits and pitfalls of using this emerging technology. More broadly, the video serves as a warning to students about the inaccuracies.
Creator: Laura Plunkett
Run, Hide, Fight | Jeff Profio

This video outlines the Run, Hide, Fight protocol to be utilized in the event of an active attacker on campus.
Creator: Jeff Profio
Mendenhall Glacier | Chris Cruz

This is a first look at a glacier to start the conversation about our changing climate.
Creator: Chris Cruz
Etude in C by Czerny | Nancy Sun

Etude in C is a beginning classical piano study piece composed by Carl Czerny. It uses the C major and G7 chord to accompany a simple melody in the right hand.
Creator: Nancy Sun