Graduation Requirements for Associate Degrees | West Valley College

Catalog 2024-2025

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Graduation Requirements for Associate Degrees 2024-2025

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West Valley College will confer the Associate in Arts (A.A.) or Associate in Science (A.S.) degree upon a student who successfully completes requirements listed below in accordance with WVMCCD Board Policy 4025 and Title 5 § 55063. Graduation requirements (Major, Competency, and General Education) are listed in the College Catalog at the time studies begin. Those requirements may be followed throughout the course of study if the student remains in continuous enrollment which is defined as enrollment for at least one regular semester, summer session or winter session each academic year. If a break in attendance occurs, the graduation requirements shall become those listed in the College Catalog which is current at the time studies are resumed. All courses listed below are three (3) units unless otherwise noted.

  1. Transfer General Education Patterns: Students may complete either the CSU GE-B or IGETC.
  2. Reciprocity Agreement: Students completing all the general education and graduation competency requirements at a participating college will be given full credit for having completed the West Valley College general education-graduation requirements, including reading, writing, and mathematics.
  3. BA/BS Degree: Students who have earned a Baccalaureate degree from an accredited College/University in the United States will not be required to complete the General Education Proficiency requirements at WVC. Students who have earned a Baccalaureate degree from a foreign country must have their transcripts evaluated by a NACES approved service.
  1. Residency Requirement: A minimum of 12-degree applicable units completed within the West Valley-Mission Community College District.
  2. Scholarly Requirements: An overall grade point average of 2.0 in 60 units of work reflected on all college transcripts.
  3. Major Requirement: Fulfill a specialized major as listed in the college catalog with a grade of C (or “P”) or better in each major requirement.

Area A-1: Language and Rationality

Requirement: 6 units minimum

Complete one course from each section (2 courses total). All courses from Area A must be complete with a “C” (or P) or better.


Area A-2: Mathematical Concepts & Quantitative Reasoning

Requirement: 3 units minimum


Area A-3: Arts & Humanities

Requirement: 3 units minimum

Note: Three 1-unit classes alone may not be used to satisfy this category


Area A-4: Social & Behavioral Sciences

Requirement: 3 units minimum


Area A-5: Natural Sciences

Requirement: 3 units minimum


Area A-6: Ethnic Studies

Requirement: 3 units minimum


Area A-7: Lifelong Learning

Requirement: 3 units minimum

The Lifelong Learning requirement will be completed by the selection of either:

  • Option 1: Three (3) units from Area A-1B; A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5 OR A-6
  • Option 2: Three (3) units from courses listed below


Area A-8: Kinesiology

Requirement: 1 unit minimum

Physical education or dance activity. 

Course must be activity based; no Kinesiology Theory courses. The following courses also do not meet requirement: KINS 8.25, 8.26, 11.06, 11.07, 11.11.