Be alert. Be calm. Be informed. Stay safe.
Register for WVM AlertWhat to do in case of an on-campus emergency – a fire, an earthquake or an act of violence.
Be prepared. Take some time and reacquaint yourself with the emergency procedures already in place on Campus and in your classrooms. There are colored emergency guides in all classrooms and public areas. The same information is available on the at theDistrict's emergency website. On the right side of that homepage there is a column of links advising what to do in case of shootings or armed intruder as well as other emergencies including earthquakes, evacuations, fires, severe storms and utility failures.
Take a first aid and CPR class offered on both campuses. Sign up for the next Campus Community Emergency Response Team (C-CERT) training. It is free.
Do not be fearful. Look around you when you enter a building and ask yourself what you would do if the earth started violently shaking or you heard the popping sounds that could be gunshots. Becoming involved enough to urge that a fellow student or school employee who appears to be 'out of sorts,' unusually stressed or behaving oddly, seek the professional (and free) services available on campus. Don't hesitate to call the authorities (911 or (408) 299-2311) when the situation just doesn't look right.
Sign up for the free WVM-ALERT emergency notification system. This will keep you informed about an emergency or major incident on campus. This is available only to registered students or employees. Sign up online to receive email, phone, cell phone or text messages.
Unless you have clear reason to be involved or can contribute to the positive outcome of the incident, stay away from the “scene.” Take immediate actions to ensure the safety of yourself and those around you and let the trained professionals deal with the incident.
West Valley-Mission Community College District