Join our community. Become a West Valley student today.

1. Create an Account with California Community Colleges (CCC)
Create an Open CCC Account. This one account will be used whenever you apply to any of the 116 community colleges in California. You will receive an email with the subject, “New CCC Account Creation” which contains your CCCID for if you apply to other community colleges in the future.
2. Submit an Application for Admission to West Valley College
Once you have submitted your application, you will see a confirmation screen. Take a screen capture (or print) this screen for future reference as it contains your confirmation number.
Within 24 hours, you will receive an email and text with your WVC username and student ID number.
If you do not receive an email with your Student ID Number within 48 hours, search your inbox for a message with the subject, “Welcome to West Valley College” and forward that message to wvc.admissionsFREEWEST_VALLEY
Frequently Asked Questions
You can either email wvc.admissionsFREEWEST_VALLEY or come to our Student Services Center during normal business hours. You can complete the application in our Welcome Center, with assistance.
Yes, adult students returning after one academic year must re-apply for admissions. Your student ID number and username will remain the same.
Yes, high school students must apply every semester for admissions. In addition, you are considered a Concurrent Enrollment student and need to follow the program's steps to register.
Yes, a paper version is available to print and submit to the Admissions Office.
Please allow 3-5 business days for processing.
Yes, you need to apply again, now as an adult who is considered a “first time student” in college. You will not need to apply for future semesters, unless you have a one-year gap in taking classes.
Yes, you still need to apply with West Valley. You will login into CCC Apply with the login account you already created.
The CCC Apply account is shared by all community colleges in California. However, once you are logged into CCC Apply, you will then apply with West Valley College.
Unfortunately, we are not able to assist with CCC Apply accounts. You will need to contact CCC Apply directly for help by phone at (877) 247-4836 or email at [email protected]
If you do not receive an email with your Student ID Number within 48 hours, search your inbox for a message with the subject, “Welcome to West Valley College” and forward that message to wvc.admissionsFREEWEST_VALLEY