Academic | Life Skills & Civics | Vocational & Other

Adult Education English Language Learner (ELL) Healthcare Pathway
This program that prepares individuals, under the supervision of physicians, to cast, splint, and brace orthopedic injuries. Includes instruction in patient assessment; casting, splinting, and orthopedic appliances; radiographic interpretation; traction; and wound care.
West Valley College offers Tuition-FREE English as a Second Language (ESL) courses designed to teach a variety of language skills to non-native English speakers. The goal is to acquire linguistic and cultural knowledge related to academic settings, expand academic vocabulary, and develop confidence in speaking/listening and reading/writing.
ESL Courses are Now Offered in Both For Credit and Noncredit forms.
View Progression Flow ChartClick on a link to get started.
All student who want to enroll in our ESL program MUST complete the ESL Guided Placement before they can register for any ESLW or NCEL course.
ESL Placement Process
The placement process will take about 10 minutes. It is not a test. You are the best judge of what you can and cannot accomplish in English. You need to think about what you can do now in English in your reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Then you will choose the appropriate level for your skills in the ESL program.
In order to take the ESL placement, you need to log into your WVC Portal. Please make sure your have your username and password.
Register for Classes
Register in WVC Portal.