How to Request Accommodations
Accommodations are provided to meet your individual needs. Eligibility for specific services is based on the recommendation of a DESP counselor or learning specialist. Services may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Test Taking Accommodations
- Sign Language Interpreters and Real-Time Captioners
- Aira | Remote, On-Demand, Visual Interpreting Support
- Equipment Loan
- Alternate media services (including Braille, e-text, large print, and closed captioning)
- Special Equipment
- Adaptive Computers/Software
- Text Reader
- Text Enlarger
- FM Loop
- Braille Keyboard Readout Device
- Digital Recorder
- Smart Pens
- Note Takers
Request approved accommodations through DESP Online Services.
Schedule A Test or Quiz
- Log onto DESP Online Services
- Click on Alternative Testing under My Accommodations on the left sidebar.
- Follow instructions to select your class from the dropdown menu and schedule your exam. Then, click Add Exam Request.
For more information, please contact:
Mike Scaletta (408) 741-2453 / TTY (408) 741-2658
Notetaking Process
Students with disabilities may be eligible for notetaking services. If you have a disability and are interested in exploring accommodations, please complete an application to the Disability and Educational Support Program. If you are in need of disability assistance to complete the form, call DESP’s front desk staff: (408) 741-2010.
- Before requesting a notetaker, consider if it’s necessary based on the course you’re taking. Also, reflect on whether a LiveScribe pen (audio recording pen), may meet your needs. You are welcome to contact DESP to set-up a meeting with our Alternative Media Specialist, Chris Jackson, to receive a LiveScribe pen loan or to try a variety of notetaking software that’s free to you through DESP.
- If notes from a peer are necessary for any of your courses you will need to select the accommodation option of “Peer Notetaking” to be included in your accommodation plan letter that goes out to your instructors. For more information on where to find the “Peer Notetaking” option to select, see a how-to video “Confirming a Notetaker”.
- Important: You must reply to an email sent by DESP, which will ask you to confirm your need for a notetaker. This confirmation is needed as we experience a high volume of students who change their mind after requesting a notetaker. If you change your mind about needing a notetaker, please let us know immediately.
Watch your West Valley email for notifications that notes have been uploaded into your DESP accommodation portal. To view class notes, look on the left side of the accommodation portal screen, under My Accommodations and click on Notetaking Services.
- Current DESP Students request “Peer Notetaking” in their accommodation portal. Students can typically expect to be matched with a note taker within 5-10 business days after they have confirmed their need for a notetaker, but the maximum wait would be 15 business days. Students may utilize alternative notetaking supports in the meantime (e.g., LiveScribe pen and other assistive technology provided by DESP for free).
- Instructors are emailed a statement to send out to students in the course about the opportunity to volunteer to be a notetaker. The name of the student who is requesting notes will not be shared.
- Students who request a notetaker before classes begin can expect DESP to pass that notification on to their instructors as early as three weeks before the first day of the term. Your instructor will receive a statement to email out to all of the students in your class, encouraging them to be a notetaker.
- Students who wait to request a Peer Notetaker after classes have begun can expect their instructors to be contacted on the day of their request (through their accommodation letter).
- If a volunteer notetaker has not been found within 5 business days after the first day of the term, or after any initial requests made after the term began, DESP will call and email the instructor to make another announcement to the class about the need. For students who receive the accommodation of “excused absences”, a DESP staff member may visit the class to make an announcement.
- If a volunteer notetaker is not found after 15 business days, DESP will place an audio recording device in the classroom and convert the audio to notes for the student.