Hanna Aceves

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
To future West Valley transfers: don't be afraid to take those unrelated classes! They often narrow down what you want to do, and that makes it all the easier to pick a major and transfer. It's fun to experience different fields, but ultimately, checking in with a counselor will make it easier to ensure those same classes are going towards your needed GE requirements. While I think spending time on campus is fun and relaxing, make sure that you’re planning for the years rather than the semester alone, so that you don’t become too lax in planning your future. It helps to be prepared, and while we can’t hold control over the future, that preparation will make transferring a breeze. I wish you guys lots of social and academic luck!
Salma Alayleh

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Going into community college, I didn't know what to expect. However, I feel as though that's what made my experience at West Valley College so memorable. I'm typically one to be on top of everything, oftentimes a bit uptight and anxious - but I soon realized that it's okay to thrive in my education and have a great time as well. Pushing myself to branch out and make friends, establish connections, and express myself on campus was something that I didn't think would make a difference in my time at college. But I was so wrong, it made all the difference! I'm proud of the person I've become because I have chosen to take steps out of my comfort zone over the past couple of years. Just be yourself, focus on yourself, and you'll thrive.
Baillie Antunes

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
UC Santa Barbara
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
English and Theater
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Meet with a guidance counselor early on and go over what classes you need to take, especially for the IGETC. Also, take the classes you want to take and be open to learning new things. Getting homework and studying done over the weekend to make the week less busy really helped me stay on top of my academic goals. Also, take advantage of West Valley's resources, like tutoring. Check in with professors as much as you can, even if it's just a question. Believe in yourself and do research about the universities you are excited about. You've got this!
Denis Avdic

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Justice Studies
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Unforeseen circumstances happen, but that does not mean you should let anyone or anything stop you from doing what you're doing. Take a hike and look into the horizon.
Richard Avila

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Music Performance
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
I am an older student, returning to West Valley after a 30 plus year semester break to complete my AA-T in music. I have learned to overcome (still learning) my past impatience which often prevented me from completing tasks and goals that would have greatly improved my life and in turn would have made me a greater help to those around me. In my journey I have discovered that having faith in God's ability bring about good outcomes in my life through perserverance is invaluable. Trust in God and you will find this to be true, "I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord. Plans for good and not for bad, plans to give you a hope and a future". Take the first step and then the second. Faster than you think, you will have crossed the finish line. I did and so you can do it too!
Sarah Bartman

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Nutrition and Dietetics
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Make sure to know what you want and what to do to achieve it. Use any and all resources and help given to you and don't be afraid to keep an open mind when things don't go the way you expect. There's nothing worse than working hard for no reason.
Sohini Bhattacharyya

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Business Administration
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Work towards your goals and dreams and you'll achieve them!!!
Justin Blumstein

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
Sonoma State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Business Marketing
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
I never thought i'd be attending West Valley. Though the experiences and friends made over these last two years brought me joy. The professors and faculty were very friendly, which made everything easier. Go Vikings!!
Kayla Bonser

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Civil Engineering
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Two pieces of advice that I cannot stress enough! First, if you’re having trouble finding friends, either get a job on campus, or join a PE class! Both of these options have a lot of face to face contact with people so friends will be easy to find. Secondly, if you are struggling in your classes, use the Math Resource Center (MRC) and the Success Center for their free tutoring. They have specialized tutors in many classes and they want to help you succeed!
Emma Brand

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
California College of the Arts
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Keep pushing and pushing until you break through, and eventually you will reach your goals.
Setayesh Cheraghzadeh Somehsaraei

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
UC Davis
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Biological Science
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
I came to the United States and West Valley College three years ago; my journey at West Valley College was amazing. I am beyond grateful with my West Valley College family for all their support.
Kirby Cho

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
East Asian Studies - Linguistics
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Let your endless dream guide you to where you stand and to support those who have a passion for interests!
Richard Covey

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
English - Preparation For Teaching
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
If possible, take your English classes with Janine Gerzanics. And for DESP kids, meet with Erika Llantero for academic counseling. I promise you will not regret it. GO VIKINGS
Maximillian Crowe

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
All you have to work hard and well. You can have fun if you like, but the tough times are going to come at you like a freight train at full force. Of course, you have all the time to prepare yourself for what's coming.
Alexis Cvitkovich

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
University of Southern California
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Art History and Economics
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Keep pushing through! Times are tough right now, but keep your goals in mind and we’ll get there together.
Sierra Dallas

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
CSU Northridge
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Ecology and Environmental Biology
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Don't be afraid to ask questions! I had a million questions about a million different things because I was the first of my siblings to go through the college transfer process. I did receive guidance from my family, but they also had questions and were confused at times. I navigated the first two years of my college career mostly on my own, but there were always resources for me at West Valley when I needed help. From the counseling department, to the transfer center, to the professors, I always had someone to guide me on my journey. College can be intimidating, but West Valley's staff are amazing, devoted, and will do everything they can to help you and see you succeed. Don't be afraid to reach out to those who want to help you!
Diego de la Cruz

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Justice Studies
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Don't be afraid to take your time getting through community college. It's ok to drop classes and retake them later; go at the pace you're most comfortable with. I've definitely withdrawn from my fair share classes since I registered for West Valley. I honestly believe retaking these classes instead of accepting a mediocre performance has paid off for me in the long run. Both my GPA and my understanding of these classes are so much better than they would have been if I just accepted a C and focused on getting out as fast as I can.
Rudolph Flores

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
My COVID semester has served as a unique reminder that perseverance is a very important aspect of getting a degree. It is a journey, so remember to hang in there and keep your chin up. You can and will get through this!
Nancy Gbondo

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
CSU Long Beach
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Health Science - Community Health Education
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Always remember that every individual has a path/destiny that is tailored specifically for them, meaning that no two journeys will ever be exactly alike, and as cliché as it may sound, everything does happen for a reason. Although I spent a total of 3 years at West Valley College before transferring to a university, I would not trade any of my circumstances for the world. In those few years, I was able to explore while building lasting and meaningful connections with my peers, professors, and several WVC staff and faculty members. I am truly grateful for all of the incredible experiences and opportunities West Valley College and the Umoja Community have presented to me over the years, my forever family. "Education is a journey, not a race." - Rudolf Steiner
Shana Hagood

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
To the students of the future, I leave with you my most important life lessons in the hopes that they will aid you throughout your school journey. Take risks, go at your own pace, and remain persistent. I wasn't one of those people who grew up knowing what they wanted to do and I felt very lost when I entered college, but these aforementioned actions helped me to discover my passions, made me realize that my journey was unique and that it was okay to do what worked for me, and showed me that I was capable of accomplishing anything I put the effort into. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain so experience as much as you can and take advantage of every opportunity. You've got this!
Megan Hamner

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
Sonoma State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Sometimes with the large amount of credits required to transfer to the school of your choice and how time consuming it is, it seems like transferring is really far away. Keep your head up, keep checking requirements, keep track of your classes, and good luck!
Daniel Haroutian

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Business Administration - Marketing
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
West Valley is an amazing school that inspires and motivates you to further your education. The incredibly friendly staff helped me feel confident on my pathway to graduation and through my transfer process to a four-year university. It is okay if you are unsure about what degree you want to pursue. I highly recommend seeing a counselor if you are unsure about what major you want to choose and about what classes you need to take so you can fulfill the appropriate requirements to graduate sooner. Don't ever hesitate to reach out for help! It was the best thing I could have done for my academic success. Always push through any challenge! Your persistence will teach you valuable lessons for life.
Ahmed Hassan

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
There's always light at the end of the tunnel! "You are graduating from college. That means that this is the first day of the last day of your life. No, that’s wrong. This is the last day of the first day of school. Nope, that’s worse. This is a day." – Andy Samberg
Irene Hernandez

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Social Work
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
My advice to future West Valley transfer students is to start building connections with instructors and peers as soon as possible. I highly encourage students to work with their counselors to create an education plan that meet their transfer goals. Students should also take advantage of the helpful resources offered at the Transfer Center and Campus Center.
Alejandra Iniguez Rodriguez

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
Sacramento State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
I highly advise to meet with a West Valley counselor! This helped me make me feel comfortable since I was able to create my 2-year plan right away. I also received help changing my major and filling out college applications!
Briana Lazcano Inzunza

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Business Administration - Marketing
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Take advantage of the resources provided for you! Engage with your professors during class and office hours, they actually care and want you to succeed! Most of all, enjoy the little things from walking to class, to picking up a breakfast burrito. You're gonna look back and miss it :)
Jasmine Jimenez

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
Santa Clara University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Business Management
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
The best resource I used to guide me through transferring to a four year university were my counselors. They helped me understand the transfer process and kept me up to date on any deadlines. The smaller class sizes at West Valley made for an intimate learning environment that helped me bond with classmates and make connections with my professors. After completing classes at West Valley, I feel knowledgeable in my area of study and prepared to excel in courses at my new university. Not only do I leave West Valley prepared academically, but also with a valuable set of skills to help me at my new school and in life.
Tyler Johnson

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Apply yourself and West Valley College will help you achieve your dreams.
Maryam Khatoon

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
Santa Clara University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Child Studies
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
West Valley's staff and community are welcoming and always willing to help. Your college experience is what you make of it. Since your life is in your hands, feel free to partake in new activities and adventures. You might just enjoy the experience and the people you meet.
Andrea Le

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Be honored and grateful that you have the chance and opportunity at a higher education. Work hard no matter how tough the times get or how tired you are. Hard work really does pay off in the long run. My time at West Valley has been amazing and I'm so glad that I spent my first two years of college here with such supportive faculty and teachers, and even met some life long friends. Whether you're earning an Associate's degree, certificate, or transferring to a university, just know that you've accomplished something absolutely amazing!! I'm rooting for everyone and hoping that your life is filled with much more happiness and opportunities!
Israel Leandro

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
UC Santa Cruz
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
My questions and fears about reaching my educational goal was much different with the support I experienced at West Valley College. Thanks to the Transfer Center and counselor support, the process was much easier. When you have a question, don't hesitate to ask. When you feel you cannot continue, never give up. Your educational goals are worth it.
Joshua Lee

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
UC Los Angeles
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Computer Science
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Don't limit yourself, and don't give up! Attending community college was never part of my original plan, but looking back on it, it's definitely something that everyone should consider. For me, it was a second chance to get into the colleges I had dreamed of attending, but for others it may be a cheaper alternative, a time to figure out what major to study, or the only viable option to juggle all of life's responsibilities. Don't be discouraged that you may have to spend another two years at home while all your friend are having the "time of their life". Pretty soon, you'll be transferring to a college where you'll thrive and enjoy your stay. West Valley is full of friendly people, small and interactive classrooms, and world-class breakfast burritos. Be sure to use all the resources around you, whether it be tutoring sessions, office hours, counselors, or clubs. Make good friends, take classes that interest you, and enjoy the community at home before you go off elsewhere!
Kelsey Lee

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
I hope that no matter what challenges or obstacles come your way during your academic journey, you keep pushing forward. I'm trying my best, and I hope you will too.
Nathalie Lemus

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Criminal Studies
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Starting college frightened me when I was fresh out of high school - l didn't know what to expect. I chose West Valley because my interest has always been on Administration of Justice and so I did my research. West Valley offers amazing AJ courses and the professors were so understanding. I loved taking AJ courses and I honestly wish I could have taken all their classes because I loved the enthusiasm professors showed. Not to mention, the counselors are amazing as well. Don't hesitate to ask for help. They helped me guide me in the right direction which I couldn't have done myself.
Haley Levene

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Make the most of your time at West Valley - you will make memories that will last a lifetime. Going to West Valley College has been some of the best years of my life and I’m so glad I decided to come here.
Cesar Lopez

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
CSU Monterey Bay
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Celebrate this win. Don't try to down play this achievement. Getting your Associate's is part of your journey - wherever it may lead to. Time to set new goals. Challenge yourself, and you might inspire others along the way.
Caitlin Malone

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Childhood Adolescent Development - Preparation in Teaching
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Don't be afraid to take your time at West Valley. I always felt like I needed to rush through two years in order to get to a four year university. But then I realized that it really doesn't matter how long you take and it is more important to focus on your grades rather than getting through. Take time to appreciate your school and your teachers!
Zane Marte

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Business - Accounting
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
To all those who have thought that your dreans are out of reach and that you may not get around with anything - THINK AGAIN. There have been many students in history who have taken 4 years or even 5 years to get to where they want to be. I am one of those students - while I may have taken a long time, I'm still happy that I reached my goal and that my dream came true regardless of the circumstances that were thrown at me, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. I fought through the dangers of failure all my life, including at West Valley, and managed to pass all of my classes. I never gave up on my dream, nor did all those students who have struggled throughout the years and will be graduating or transferring with me. For all of you out there, the words "give up" don't mean anything, not even to a group of athletes who have never even heard of winter sports before. Giving up is not who we are as students of West Valley; we are determined to make our dreams come true no matter the cost. As John Candy once said, "if you're not enough without it, you'll never be enough with it." You then may ask yourselves - how would you know if you're enough? Well, the answer is, "when you cross the finish line, you'll know." And that is an unknown. As I have crossed the finish line at West Valley, I know that I won't be enough just yet, but I will still do great things at San Jose State and that includes getting a degree in Business with a concentration in accounting and then moving on to the real world.
Elisa Martinez

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Be you (seriously), and make sure to make friends in your class because it makes it 10x easier to do work if you’re confused. You also never know who can be a new close friend! You got this!
Lorena Matadamas Robledo

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Surround yourself with people who want to help you and who care about your future. Explore different classes and activities, and study hard but still squeeze in time to have fun and enjoy the journey. Good luck!
Victoria Mejia

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
College isn't easy and it's not as hard. There will be times that you will struggle but even through the tough times, you should keep on trying because eventually it will become something you will be proud of overcoming.
Sheily Munoz

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Business Administration - Human Resources
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
I would highly suggest meeting with a counselor at least once a semester to ensure you are taking appropriate classes, All the counselors want you to succeed in your classes and accomplish the goals you have set forth, so meeting with them would be beneficial. Moreover, I would recommend getting involved in something on campus like first-year cohorts, clubs, or organizations. The involvement in campus will help you make friends as well as potential classmates that can help you with difficult classes. West Valley is a campus that has caring, intelligent, and encouraging professors and faculty that will happily help you through whatever problem you have.
Chantal Naugle

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
Stanford University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Take advantage of all the resources that are available to you because you have the power to make your experience at West Valley College unforgettable. As corny as it sounds, it’s not always about the destination, but the journey to get there. Community college doesn’t have to be just a stepping stone; let it be a transformational period in your life that you are proud to look back on. Utilize the endless pools of knowledge that West Valley’s amazing professors and administrators possess and forge meaningful connections with the people you encounter. I truly believe that West Valley is one of the best community colleges in existence and if you have fun and put yourself out there, you won’t be disappointed :)
Tony Ngo

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Always stay on top of your classes whether that’s by studying or arranging which classes are harder or easier to prioritize your time. Always join extracurricular activities, meet with classmates in your community, and make the most of this school! Everyone there has a story whether it is your teachers or classmates. Everyone deserves to be heard and you’ll meet many different, great people only if you immerse yourself in all the different communities within the West Valley College community!
Zoe Oberst

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
UC Santa Cruz
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Theater Arts
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
I got to West Valley in Fall 2016 and I graduated in Spring 2020. Just because you might be here for longer then expected doesn’t mean you are failing. It means you are strong enough to keep going no matter how long it takes. Just keep doing your best! You got this!
Michelle Raines

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Justice Studies
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
When I left high school, I was afraid I would never find my calling in life. That changed when I started attending West Valley and got into the Puente program. You will realize that everyone at West Valley is there to help you succeed and find what you love to do. My Puente teacher and counselor, Joe Bucher, has not only encouraged me, but is the reason I have succeeded in college. Without the Puente program, I wouldn’t have made it this far so I encourage everyone to find a safe space in this school and join it because it could change your life.
Alison Reupert

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
Sacramento State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Communication Disorders and Sciences
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Don't procrastinate, and if you need help be sure to ask questions or visit your professor's office hours. You got this!
Alicia Robb

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
UC Santa Barbara
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Communication Studies
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Going to West Valley for my first two years of college was the best decision I made looking back now. When I first came to West Valley, I had the mindset of only focusing on my classes and working. I didn't really want to put myself out there because I had a goal and I wanted to stick with it. Little did I know that I would meet a close group of people that would change my life. These people are now some of my best friends and were there to support me when things like classes or home life became difficult. So my advice is put yourself out there, meet new people, and use this opportunity to grow as a person.
Panayiotis Roumeliotis

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
English and Communication Studies
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Enjoy your classes, make time to connect with your peers and instructors, and simply take in the beauty that is West Valley College, because your time here will go by fast. Enjoy each moment.
Ayllin Ruvalcaba

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Sociology and Social justice
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Thank you to all the wonderful and amazing instructors that supported me endlessly throughout my journey here at West Valley. They made me have a great experience and helped me understand what I want to do with my life. A bigger thank you to my parents, my biggest supporters ever. They have pushed me to do better and achieve my goals. Giving up so much for me, I honestly do owe all my success to them. My educational journey isn't just for me. It is for them. Gracies a mis padres por siempre hacer lo imposible para mi. Nada de esto iba sido posible si no era por el apoyo de eloos. Por eso quiero hacerios orgyllosos de me y voy a seguir estudiano hasta que termine mi educación.
Ivana Schmeing

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Justice Studies - Criminology
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
If you put your mind to it you can achieve it. Just get it done and stay on track! Always, always ask questions!! It gets you far in life. Counselors are ALWAYS there for you and will help you during your transfer process and help you have a smooth school year.
Valentina Schrick

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
Sacramento State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
I was so scared of starting college; I felt like I had so many disadvantages, learning disabilities, and minimal self-esteem. When I first started at West Valley, my self-esteem was nowhere near the confidence that I carry today in my education and learning abilities. This school has the most incredible resources and programs for any type of student. They provide help with tuition, books, FOOD, learning accommodations, health, mobility, jobs and SO MUCH MORE. Sometimes I forget how grateful and privileged we are as a community college because here, at West Valley, there is a faculty member who is determined to help you and your future. Just remember this: we all come into college with different abilities. Learn your strengths and weaknesses, and reach out to classmates, teachers, and other faculty. Your answers will be within the community around you.
Carolina Slattery-Cloman

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Studio Art
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
When I started, I planned to only be here for two years and it turned into four. For those in a similar situation, it can seem discouraging to be at a community college for longer than planned. But in the end, if you stick to it and give yourself time and patience, you will achieve your goals.
John Soto

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
UC San Diego
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Theatre Arts - Acting
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
To all incoming West Valley College students: every one of you has a unique story and life which has led you to this school to start your next chapter. First off, let me say that you are in a safe and beautiful place to discover who you want to be. There are many opportunities to get involved and if you choose to, you will gain something invaluable - memories that will last a life time. As I sit here typing this, I couldn't tell you what I learned three semesters ago with only a few short sentences (as I learned quite a bit), but what I can tell you simply is those sweet little moments of human connection that made this school into a community for me. So you might be a middle-college student, or an Au Pair student new in the area or you're just fresh out of high school, or you might be returning to school after decades of not attending school, or maybe you got a degree, but you need more school to figure yourself out regardless. West Valley is the school of first, second and third chances. They will accept and welcome you regardless of who you are. Some of you might be here for two years, others it might take longer. It may even take 6 or 7 years to graduate or transfer. It doesn't matter because West Valley will be here for you regardless because it is the school for people trying to find themselves and there is no timeline for that. So please, know you are going to be okay. Take a deep breath, as there is no timeline for when you need to be done. And for a few bonus tips: always pay attention for school announcements (you never know what they're giving away for free). Make sure to have a breakfast burrito too (they're pretty darn good). Oh, and if you ever find yourself in need of assistance, know that the school can help with food, finances and mental health (honestly, most everything you need, they really care about you here). So, in closing I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope you find the joy and knowledge you are looking for at this special school. P.S. If you're someone who doesn't like to get involved or be very social. West Valley is also a school for you as well!
Hans Suwinski

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Business Administration - International Business
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Believe in yourself because at the end of the day, it is going to be a future you are living and not anyone else; go above and beyond in every direction you choose to take.
Lydia Tellgren

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
California Baptist University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Graphic Design and Visual Experience
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
I would advise other students to reach out to a counselor when arriving at West Valley College. It is good to have a plan set in place when figuring out what career path you want to take. During your classes, don't be afraid to reach out to your professors frequently - they give good advice and resources for future references. Balancing out your time diligently with studies and extracurricular activities is essential. Getting to know other people in your classes will help when forming a study group and making new friends. Feel free to check out the clubs offered on campus.
Brenda Tran

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
UC Davis
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Biological Sciences
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
It’s okay to change your mind. I enrolled as a Business Administration major and graduated as a Biological Sciences major. It takes time to figure out what you want to do, so take the time to explore your options.
Erica Tutton

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
I definitely recommend joining a program your first semester such as First Year Experience, Puente, TRiO, Umoja, etc. It helps you connect with peers that have similar goals and interests as you. These programs explain more in depth about transferring and help set you up for sucess early on. Being in First Year Experience helped set me up with a good support system that guided me through the rest of my 2.5 years at West Valley. It gave me counselors I was able to meet with and create an educational plan that got me through my time at West Valley. The biggest thing is don’t push yourself so hard. Only do what you can handle and you’ll eventually get there. Don’t be discouraged if others graduate before you.
Genevieve Valentin

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
CSU Monterey Bay
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Spanish and Kinesiology
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Don't give up! Use all the resources you can find and don't be afraid to ask questions. It's all going to be worth it in the end and you'll be so proud of yourself for pushing through it all.
Andrea Valiente

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Sociology - Community Change
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Don't be afraid to take the next step. For over 10 years and 3 attempts to earn my degree, struggling with being a single mom, full time work, and at one point being homeless, I was finally able to do it. At one point this semester, I almost let my previous failures convince me I was not not ready and that I was not worthy, but I pushed past the fears and lies and realized that mountain of fear was nothing but a pebble. Keep pushing!
Bailey Vargas

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
San Jose State University
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Business Administration - Finance
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Just enjoy your time and get your classes done! Appreciate your professors and counselors a lot! I couldn’t have done it without the help of all of them. The school is overall great and I am now a proud West Valley alumni!!!
Patricia Adrianna White

Which 4-year university will you be transferring to this Fall?
UC Santa Barbra
What will you be studying at your 4-year university?
Message to Future West Valley Transfers
Hello future transfers! Don’t tell yourself you have to be in and out of community college. West Valley has so much to offer and so many amazing teachers who are here to guide you on your path. This is merely a stepping stone to something greater. Take your time with classes, enjoy Drip coffee, try a breakfast burrito, laugh at Gary Fisher’s jokes, make some friends, and have a great time. Your experience here is what you make of it. If you want to get in and out, you can. I wanted to find myself and a degree path that was right for me, which took me a little longer but was well worth the wait. This is an amazing campus with so many incredible staff members and students, the only thing this campus is missing is you! Welcome to your new home, you’re going to love it here. Go Vikings!