Retention: First Primary Term to Secondary Term

Population Experiencing the Most Significant Disproportionate Impact

First Year, First Generation

Target Outcomes for 2022-25

Timeframe Measurement Output
Year 1 (2022-23)
  • 30 students will complete pilot for First Year First Generation (FYFG) Scholars program
  • 100% of students in FYFG Scholars pilot connected to Student Success Teams
Year 2 (2023-24)
  • Increase Fall to Spring retention rate for FYFG from 47% to 55%, closer to the 60% retention rate of first year non-first-generation students.
  • 70% of FYFG students complete detailed Career Coach assessment
  • 50% of FYFG students complete a profile on Handshake
  • 70% of FYFG student respondents as measured by survey data express increased confidence in navigating West Valley systems (register, apply for financial aid, acquire books)
  • 70% of FYFG student respondents, as measured by survey data know at least one employee at the college they feel comfortable reaching out to for help
Year 3 (2024-25)
  • 15% of FYFG students complete internships (out of those who attended Internship information sessions)
  • Increase Fall to Spring retention for FYFG students to 60%

What is the college’s current process/policy/practice/culture that impedes equitable outcomes for this population?

Data indicates that 75%-80% of FYFG students are not part of a program such as TRiO, EOPS, DESP, Puente, Umoja or First Year Experience and do not receive the support and guidance needed—personal, financial, academic, and help navigating the college system—to ensure their success. There is not a system in place to ensure all FYFG students complete education plans.

College processes and systems can be inherently challenging to navigate and more so for FYFG students not involved in special programs. Once registered, students may not know where to find critical information about dates and deadlines, financial aid, access to services, access to Canvas, and more.

Through the Office of Student Needs, we provide robust support to students who need textbooks and technology. However, there are still students we are not serving who have identified financial barriers.

What equity-minded process/policy/practice/culture would facilitate a shift to equitable outcomes for this population?

A First Year, First Generation (FYFG) program will be designed not to duplicate other services, but to ensure they receive the support needed to be successful. The program will support retention by eliminating barriers around textbooks and course materials, computer and Wi-Fi access, registration, financial aid, referrals to programs, and navigation of college systems. Further, the program will help ensure that FYFG students feel a sense of connection and belonging at West Valley College with FYFG Student Success Teams (with at least one first-gen employee) and will be recognized and celebrated by the campus community.

The FYFG program will automatically include all students who self-identify as FYFG during the CCC Apply application process. Once a FYFG student applies, a staff member of the FYFG program will proactively reach out to that student to provide a warm welcome to the college. It will facilitate referrals and warm hand-offs to existing programs and services where applicable. If not eligible for an existing program or service, the FYFG program and Student Success team will act as the student’s touchstone to campus to receive information, assistance and guidance. Services in the program will be provided to students throughout their first year.

Services offered to FYFG students through the program will include the following: a Student Success team for each student, including access to “My Success Network” in Starfish; one-on-one support; career exploration and internship opportunities; financial assistance; coordination of educational and personal counseling; FYFG social activities; guidance in navigating campus systems; tutoring and study skills support; free textbooks and course materials for the first year; free access to hotspots and computer loans; and West Valley College’s annual hosting of a local event to participate in the National First-Generation College Celebration.

The program will be coordinated and could include a program advisor, student mentors, and graduate student interns.

College services that can be expanded that would support the work of the FYFG Scholars program include hiring and expanding services and resources available through the Success Center and Career Services.

Action Steps

To implement, the FYFG Scholars program will need to request funding from the state, Land Corp, grants, and college funds. The program will require money to fund the textbooks and course materials, along with paying for program personnel and activities. The FYFG program will need support from the institution to house the program on campus, such as space to operate the program.

Resources will need to be allocated to expand Success Center services and to pay for a full-time LCSW (licensed social worker) in Student Services to address student issues beyond educational counseling. Resources will also need to expand Career Services, including funds to hire someone to develop relationships with local employers and coordinate employment and internship opportunities for FYFG students.

A detailed plan for the FYFG Scholars program will need to be developed to document program procedures, including student eligibility, to meet state requirements for auditing.

To ensure students and college employees are aware of the program, there needs to be support from the college leadership, classified staff, faculty, and the marketing team.

Support Needed

The Chancellor’s Office can provide the following to support West Valley College in reaching an ideal structure to support this population.

  • Professional development for faculty and staff focused specifically on serving the needs of first-generation, Latinx, and African American students.
  • Events or conferences around serving FYFG students.
  • Data and research about first generation students’ lives outside of college that can create roadblocks for retention.
  • Technology investments and tools to provide access to low-cost technology and computers for FYFG students.
  • Financial support for piloting this new FYFG program.
  • Mechanisms for connecting with and learning from other colleges engaged in similar efforts.
Last Updated 7/5/23