West Valley College is a community of learners open to those seeking advanced educational opportunities. Our faculty, staff, and students have a passionate commitment to learning, fueled by the spirit of inquiry. The College embraces innovation and change characterized by trust, confidence, and accountability. Through open communication, support and acceptance for one another, shared decision making through collaboration and teamwork, and a respect for diversity, West Valley College affirms its commitment to people.
Mission Statement
"The West Valley College Community supports students
along their pathways to reach transfer and career goals
in an environment of academic excellence."
Approved by College Council
To achieve West Valley's mission, the college strives to attain excellence in providing:
Transfer Preparation.
Courses and programs which provide comprehensive lower division instruction with full transferability through articulation agreements and transfer guarantees for students who have educational goals beyond the associate degree.
Vocational Technical Education.
Courses and career programs which provide skills and knowledge responsive to current needs of business, technology, and the allied professional fields.
General Education.
Courses and programs which contribute to the education of an individual, including the development of critical thinking, written and oral communication skills, understanding of and the ability to use quantitative analysis; appreciation of the arts and humanities; and awareness of physical, social and behavioral sciences as they affect the individual and interaction with the community and the global society.
Pre-Collegiate Basic Skills.
Courses and programs which prepare students for college level reading, written and oral communication, and mathematics.
Economic Development.
Courses and programs which advance California's economic growth and global competitiveness and contribute to the region's continuous work force improvement.
Student Services.
Counseling programs and additional services which:
- assist students in the matriculation process;
- facilitate planned selection of programs and courses;
- lead to transfer and/or career goals; and,
- promote student access, retention and success.
Community Education Courses and Programs.
Community Education meets identified community interests and needs by offering state funded and fee-supported non-credit classes in areas including education for older adults, health and safety, short term vocational programs, basic skills, College for Kids, parenting, and drug and alcohol education programs.