Welcome to EOPS
Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS) is here to assist you in making your college experience successful. Getting through college is not an easy task, especially when you try to do it alone! Since 1969, EOPS has been a California state funded program that provides an accessible and rewarding college experience to low income students facing various barriers to academic success. We provide a support network of West Valley EOPS counselors, dedicated staff and fellow students to help you stay focused on your educational path and reach your goals more quickly. If you meet academic and financial eligibility requirements, you may qualify for the broad range of support services and opportunities offered by our program.
Applications are now closed. Please check back in May of 2025.

NextUp is a new program at West Valley College that provides extra services for foster and former foster youth who were in foster care at least one day after their 13th birthday. NextUp offers services that will help you stay in school so you can realize your educational goal.
- First-day Priority Registration
- Academic, career, and personal Counseling
- Book Grants for required textbooks for WVC Classes
- University transfer process assistance and UC/CSU application fee waivers
- EOPS Grants (funding permitted)
- Assistance with scholarship applications and letters of recommendations
- Study area with computers, and printer
- EOPS student success workshops, activities and campus tours
- Basic school and test supplies
- Graphing calculator loans
- Additional services and referrals to community services
CARE Services available for eligible single parents receiving TANF:
- Additional financial assistance for books, school supplies, transportation and meals
- CARE grants and academic achievement grants (dependent upon state funding)
- Workshops for single parents
- Opportunities to create support networks
- Assistance with social service issues
EOPS Eligibility and General Requirements
EOPS is open to full-time students who are considered low-income and educationally disadvantaged and facing various barriers to success. You will need to qualify by both income standards and educational background standards.
To qualify for EOPS you must:
- Be a California resident. AB540 students are eligible to apply.
- Be enrolled as a full-time student at West Valley (minimum of 12 units, with exceptions considered for students with a verified disability)
- Have fewer than 70 units of degree applicable college credits
Financial Disadvantage
Be identified as having an economic and educational disadvantage by qualifying for either:
- The California College Promise Grant Program (formerly Board of Governors Fee Waiver Program) – Refer to table below for income standards
- TANF, SSI or General Assistance
Education Disadvantage
Be educationally disadvantaged as defined by state guidelines by meeting one of the following criteria:
- Not qualified for enrollment into the minimum level English or mathematics course that is applicable to the associate degree at West Valley College
- Did not graduate from high school or obtain the General Education Diploma (GED).
- Graduated from high school with a grade point average below 2.50 on a 4.00 scale
- Previously enrolled in remedial education.
- Other factors determined by the EOPS Director, using state guidelines
Steps to Apply for EOPS at West Valley College
- Apply to West Valley College
- Complete and submit the West Valley College EOPS Application
- Register for a West Valley College Orientation (or show completion from another college if transferring to West Valley)
- Complete the application for the California College Promise Grant Program (formerly Board of Governors Fee Waiver Program)
- Complete and submit the West Valley College EOPS Application
- Transcripts are required from previous colleges for eligibility purposes. Unofficial transcripts are accepted.
- One of our helpful staff will review your application and let you know your eligibility.
- You are welcome to use EOPS computers to complete your application and print required documentation.
If you are eligible for EOPS, you will be required to attend an EOPS New Student Orientation prior to the beginning of each semester.
If you are a single parent receiving TANF or CalWorks, you may be eligible for our CARE program. Talk to the staff person assisting you with your EOPS application for more information.
2024-25 California College Promise
Grant Type B Income Standards
Family Size (including yourself) |
Base Year Income (adjusted gross income and/or untaxed income) |
1 | $21,870 |
2 | $29,580 |
3 | $37,290 |
4 | $45,000 |
5 | $52,710 |
6 | $60,420 |
7 | $68,130 |
8 | $75,840 |
Each additional family member | $7,710 |
5CCR § 58620: Student (dependent or independent) household income in the prior year equal to or less than 150% of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines for a family of that size.
5CCR § 58620(b)(1)(F): For purposes of this subdivision, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines used each year shall be the most recently published guidelines immediately preceding the academic year for which a fee waiver is requested.
See US Department of Health and Human Services for more information.
EOPS Services
An EOPS counselor is available for EOPS students after the student is accepted into the program. Our counselors provide personal, academic, and career counseling. EOPS students are required to meet with their EOPS counselor three times each semester.
EOPS is one of the groups that are given priority registration over all other students. Priority registration happens in Fall and Spring semesters. To be eligible, students must complete a campus orientation and have a Student Education Plan (SEP) on file.
EOPS Counselors can assist you in determining your tutorial needs and assist you in getting services at the campus Tutorial Center. The Net Tutor Online Tutoring Program provides 24/7 services for all WVC students.
Students receive counseling and advisement that helps to ensure a successful transition to the four-year college or university of your choice. Our counselors work closely with you to make sure you are on track to transfer. We also sponsor university campus visits to learn more about student life at the university. EOPS students are eligible for up to four UC/CSU application fee waivers.
EOPS offers various student success workshops, activities, and opportunities each semester. Workshops are offered based on student feedback and include sessions on Managing Stress, Test Taking, Note Taking, Time Management, Study Skills, and Transfer Preparation.
We have a study area exclusively for EOPS students equipped with computers and printer.
We get to know our students throughout their time with EOPS. Our counselors and staff are a resource for letters of recommendation. Please review the short video on how, why and when to ask for letters of recommendation.
Financial Services
EOPS Book Funds are provided to students in the form of an EOPS Book Fund Grant. EOPS Book Funds amount varies depending on program funding. Funds are provided for fall and spring semesters to students who:
- have completed an EOPS New Student Orientation (new EOPS Students)
- attend a Welcome Back Session (continuing students) or complete their first EOPS Contact
- signed an EOPS Mutual Responsibility Contract
- are progressing academically.
First Day EOPS Book Fund Grant
EOPS New Student Orientation (new students) sessions and a Welcome Back session (continuing students) are scheduled prior to the start of the semester in time to be awarded a First Day EOPS Book Fund Grant. Students who don’t make those sessions will receive their grant later in the semester after they have attended an EOPS New Student Orientation (new students) or completed a first contact (continuing students).
EOPS Book Funds are meant to purchase required textbooks for classes that you are enrolled in during the current semester.
NOTE: West Valley College no longer has a bookstore on campus. Barnes and Noble is now a virtual bookstore. See more information.
Create a Course Materials List
Creating a Course Materials list will allow you to determine what you need to buy, what you can borrow from the WVC library, and to find the least expensive options online. Students can search for their required texts and materials online through the virtual bookstore.
EOPS End of Term Grant
EOPS End of Term Grants may be offered in semesters when funding permits. To be eligible students must meet the requirements of the EOPS Mutual Responsibility Contract, including three counseling contacts with an EOPS Counselor.
EOPS keeps basic school supplies on hand for students in need. Notebooks, pens, pencils, binders, blue books, and scantrons are available at the front desk.
EOPS End-of-Term Grants may be offered in semesters when funding permits. To be eligible for this grant, students must meet the requirements of the EOPS Mutual Responsibility Contract, including three counseling contacts.
EOPS students are eligible for up to four UC/CSU application fee waivers. Private school applications and additional waivers are considered on a case-by-case basis. Meet with your counselor before you are ready to begin the application process.
Cap and gowns are provided for students who participate in the WVC Graduation, Transfer and Certificate ceremony. Inform your counselor you plan to participate in the ceremony.
We honor our students who have met their WVC education goals at an evening celebration. This is a special night in May where students and their families are celebrated for goal attainment, including degree awarded, transfer requirements completed, and certificates earned.
Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)

Open the door to opportunities with CARE
CARE is a program designed to help single-parent students succeed in college. Because we realize that attending college and being a single-parent can pose many challenges, we will help you to achieve your educational goals.
CARE Eligibility
- Receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Be a single-parent, head-of-household, as determined by social services
CARE Benefits
- CARE Grants
- Academic, Career and Personal Counseling
- Referrals to on and off campus resources
- Transportation Assistance

Bickie Choy
(408) 741-2422
[email protected]
Student Services Center (SSC)

Amy Gutierrez
NextUp and EOPS Counselor
(408) 741-2529
[email protected]
Student Services Center

Virginia Marquez
EOPS/CARE/NextUp and CalWORKs Director
(408) 741–2593
[email protected]
Student Services Center 207

Marta Mora-Evans
CalWORKS Program
CalWORKs and EOPS Counselor
(408) 741-4007
[email protected]
Student Services Center 207E

Tania Pichardo
EOPS/CARE, CalWORKS & NextUP Acting Director
Acting Director
(408) 741-2503
[email protected]
Student Services Center

Helen Khalouyan-Pivk
EOPS Counselor
(408) 741-2471
[email protected]
Student Services Center
EOPS Counselors available for 30-60 minute appointments during the Fall and Spring semesters.
Call (408) 741-2023 or stop by the EOPS office to schedule.
EOPS is now accepting applications for Fall 2024.
Steps To Apply for Extended Opportunity Program and Services
- Complete and submit the online application.
- Provide copies of transcripts for all other colleges previously attended. Unofficial transcripts are accepted.
DACA Resources
- California Community Colleges Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley Issues Statement on Supreme Court Ruling that Continues DACA
- First Generation College Student Guidebook – This is a helpful guidebook for those that identify as First Generation College Students (FGCS) and provides tips and tools to succeed in the higher education environment.
- CCCCO Resources for Undocumented Students – This website on the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office site provides information for Undocumented students.
- West Valley Financial Aid provides numerous links to campus and local information for Undocumented students.
Fall 2024 Semester: August 24 – December 13
Date | Event |
Saturday, August 24 | First day of classes |
Sunday, September 8 | Last day to ADD a semester-length class |
Sunday, September 8 | Last day to DROP a semester-length class without a “W” and with a refund |
Monday, September 16 | Deadline to Petition for AA-T/AS-T Degrees for Spring 2025 Transfer |
Monday, September 16 | Deadline to Petition for Fall 2024 graduation |
Friday, November 22 | Last day to DROP a semester-length class with a “W” |
Last day of instruction before finals | Last day to submit Pass/No Pass grading option for a semester-length class |
Saturday, December 7 – Friday, December 13 | Final Exams |
Holiday Closures
Date | Event |
August 23 | All College Day |
September 2 | Labor Day |
November 11 | Veteran’s Day Holiday |
November 28–29 | Thanksgiving Holiday |
December 23–31 | December Holiday |
January 1 | New Year’s Day Holiday |
Date | Contact |
Friday, September 27 | 1. Create/Review Education Plan |
Thursday, October 31 | 2. Mid-Semester Progress Meeting |
Tuesday, December 3 | 3. Schedule Planning & Review for Next Semester |